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Webinar: Creating effective systems for reuse

Written by
Estelle Eonnet
February 14, 2021

Join Zero Waste Europe on 13th April 2021 · 2:00 PM (CET)

The ability to reuse products and materials sits right at the heart of the zero waste approach, as a basic prerequisite for a circular economy to flourish. To get reuse in the mainstream, a number of local and national systems must be both designed and enabled.

This webinar will go into greater depth to answer these key questions:

  • How can local authorities begin to design and implement reusable systems, for example for takeaway food containers, within their city?
  • How can reuse systems and practices become part of the mainstream and people’s everyday lives, rather than something only for environmentally conscious shoppers?
  • What are the policy drivers behind this change and how can they enable the spread of reuse?

Learn more and register here.

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